Nude Lady Gaga statue created as oil spill protest

New York artist Daniel Edwards’ sculpture of a nude Lady Gaga, portrayed as a patron saint of animals and the environment, will be unveiled Wednesday at the Individual Artists of Oklahoma gallery, 706 W Sheridan.

A public reception is scheduled from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.

Edwards is the same artist who cast “Brangelina Forever,” a sculpture of actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and installed it in an Edmond home and created a sculpture, “Landmark for Breastfeeding,” depicting Jolie breast-feeding twin infants last year.

“Patron Saint of the Gulf” was inspired by the animal-rights sentiment often displayed in the outlandish fashion worn by Lady Gaga, as well as the flagrancy of the BP oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, according to publicity material. The performer is portrayed in the sculpture as a modern-day St. Francis of Assisi. Following its local unveiling, the work will be sent to BP corporate headquarters in London.

In the sculpture, Lady Gaga, with the BP corporate logo at her feet, embraces ailing octopi limply draping her outstretched arms, while gently caressing a pair of irate-looking frogs. Tangled in her trademark hair bow is a globule-covered pelican struggling to fly away and saturated in crude oil collected by Edwards during his visit to the Louisiana Gulf Coast during the spill.

“The artistic record should amply reflect the magnitude of the threat to Gulf wildlife brought on by the BP oil spill,” Edwards said in a news release. “This is my contribution.”


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